Thursday, June 11, 2009

Facebook Observations

Starting Friday at midnight your Facebook homepage url can instead of, but only if you claim "johnolerud" before anyone else. It's kind of like a vanity plate for your social web life. John Olerud is going to be pissed, though.

I'm sure that there are more than a few enterprising folks out there trying to figure out how to register non-trademarked company names before those companies do. Since Facebook is being used more for marketing, it might be worth it to stay up late Friday and do some e-squatting.


It was pointed out to me this morning that Google's total pre-IPO funding was $25.1 million. According to TechCrunch, Facebook has raised $716 million to date. That's not bad (it's good, in fact) but it's different and what happens when your revenue model is less obvious that that of Google.

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