Monday, September 1, 2008

Sarah Palin

There are several excellent levels developing in the McCain/Palin ticket news extravaganza. This one, reported by the Washington Post and others, including Xeni over at Boing Boing, is juicy:

"Just hours before McCain declared his veep choice of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, her Wiki page saw a flurry of activity, with editors adding details about her approval rating and husband's employment. Perhaps more tellingly, some of the same users editing her page were almost simultaneously updating McCain's Wiki entry, adding information dealing with accuracy, sources and footnotes to each."
It goes on to say that other profiles were being edited as well but I didn't even think she was in the ball park before the annoucement. Somebody did apparently.
From the NY Times, implying that she or her camp were behind the edits:
"While ethically suspect, the idea that a politician would try to shape her Wikipedia article shouldn’t come as a surprise. In modern politics, where the struggle is to “define” yourself before your opponent “defines” you, Wikipedia has become an important part of political strategy."
Democrat critics are happy to say that Palin is there to deflect attention from McCain so that he and his old boy war mongering buddies can slip into the White House unnoticed, sort of.
It's surprising to me that there is a female sex symol in a U.S. Presidential election. Yes, a sex symbol. I think she's an attractive lady but I've been on the Web for that last couple of hours and tons of guys think she's HOT. Smoking.
Is that worth some votes? I'd think so.

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