Friday, January 16, 2009

B of A Train Wreck

BofA needs lots more money from TARP, and gets it. Around $138 billion.

The guys and girls who have spent time in the BofA Board room over the past couple years must be pretty embarrassed, unless there's more to the story. The Countrywide purchase was risky business indeed. I'm not sure how you explain the Merrill Lynch buy given the new numbers.

Citi continues its downward spiral as well.
The common stock of both have become a side show, and probably worthless.

The stimulus package is going to be $825 billion. $825 billion. Obama better have a long term plan because this short term plan is hella expensive.

Yesterday's intraday recovery from the lows was pleasant. The futures are up today so maybe we get some Happy Friday relief. If oil was a stock I would say that it's acting very bad. Bad like it's going to $25. It continues to be true that nobody knows.
long BofA (it's a long story)

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